Degree Requirements
​18 credits distributed as follow​s: | ​ |
​Required Courses, 6 Credits | Projected Offering​ |
​LING 101: INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTICS LING 202: Science of Language | ​Take 1st semester in minor. Typically offered each semester. Typically​ offered each semester. |
​One of the Following, 3 Credits | ​ |
​LING 403: INTRODUCTION TO PHONOLOGY. | ​Pre-Req: LING 202. Typically offered each fall. |
​LING 404: STRUCTURE OF LANGUAGE. | ​Pre-Req: LING 101. Typically offered each spring. |
​LING 418: MEANING & LANGUAGE USE. CGSC 490: MEANING & REFERENCE. | ​Pre-Req: LING 101. Typically offered every other fall. X-list CGSC & PHIL 418.Typically offered every other fall. Alternates years with LING 418.​ |
| |
​9 Additional Credits Selected from the following List | ​3 credits must be at the 300- or 400-level. |
​ANY LING course Any course cross-listed with LING, except for Independent Studies. | ​ |
​CGSC 170: Introduction to Cognitive Science | ​ |
​Policies - Students must earn a C- or higher in all courses used for the CGSC
minor. Must be taken for a letter grade - pass/fail will not be accepted.
- Students may not take 600-level courses and have them count towards the LING minor.
- With the exception of LING 101, students minoring in Linguistics and minoring in Cognitive Science may not count a single course towards both minors.
- With the exception of LING 101, students minoring in Linguistics and majoring Cognitive Science may not count a single course towards both degrees.​
​Minor in Lingistics ​Requirements (coming soon)​ |
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8/15/2016 12:00 PM