​Research projects welcoming your participation are listed below.​​
Neural Correlates of Rhythm in Stuttering
Eligibility: Adults who stutter
Location: Tower at STAR, Room 511, 100 Discovery Blvd, 19713 Newark, DelawareRecruitment Period: September 2023 – May 2024
Duration: 120 minutes | Compensation: $30 Amazon gift card and extra credit as determined by instructor
Researchers: Janina Boecher | Contact: janinab@udel.edu
Description: You will watch a movie while passively listening to tones via headphones. Additionally, you will be asked to produce syllables and provide a short reading sample.​​
Completing sentences
Eligibility: Nati​​ve English speakers
Location: online -
click hereRecruitment Period: November 2023 - April 2024
Duration: 30 minutes | Compensation: extra credit as determined by your instructor
Researcher: Neemias Filho | Contact: nsfilho@udel.edu
Description: You will be asked to complete sentences with the first continuation that comes to mind.​​​​
Rotation experiment​
​Eligibility: Native English speakers, no language impairment history, aged 18-35
Location: Experimental Psycholinguistics Laboratory, suite 102, 800 Barksdale Road, NewarkRecruitment Period: April - June​ 2024
Duration: 60 minutes | Credit: 2 course credits (or as offered by your instructor)
Researcher(s): Arild Hestvik, Chao Han, Jacob Burger, Yue Lu | Contact: epl.udel@gmail.com
Description: In this study, you will be listening to sounds and complete a jigsaw puzzle on a computer screen, while we measure your brain activity (EEG).​
N400 expe​​​riment
Eligibility: Na​​​​tive English speakers, no language impairment history, aged 18-35
Loca​tion: Experimental Psycholinguistics Laboratory, suite 102, 800 Barksdale Road, Newark
Recruitment Period: April-May 2024
Duration: 90 minutes | Credit: as offered by your instructor
Researcher(s): Arild Hestvik | Contact: epl.udel@gmail.com
Description: In this study, you will be watching words on a screen and make decisions by pushing buttons on a response box, while we measure your brain activity (EEG).​